Tuesday, April 27, 2010

On The Road Again...

We headed back to San Diego last week for some fun and relaxation. I don't know how much relaxing we did but, we did have a lot of fun and the week just flew by!!! We had the fabulous Jen Wilson come down and take pictures of the girls since we were in CA and I haven't had any pictures taken of Ellia yet (whoops!). The photo shoot didn't go too well...Jen got lost finding us and by the time she arrived Ellia was tired and crying. I was so busy focusing on Ellia that I didn't realized that Bianca was running around with her crazy hair (that she inherited from me!), half in her clothes and half out. We are still waiting on the pictures but, I am sure that Jen will work her magic and (hopefully!!!) pull through with some beautiful pictures! The day after that fiasco we went to the zoo. Bianca was in her glory and the pictures will probably speak for themselves. Of course, the elephants and the giraffes were the biggest hits (no dolphins at the SD Zoo). Other than that, we visited with relatives and friends, went to the park and played in Zarin-joon's magnificent garden!

Brace yourself for the pictures!

Ellia enjoyed her baths so much while we were gone that we had to wipe down the entire kitchen after taking her out of the tub! That is how much splashing around she did!

She also started eating rice cereal...

Everyone had fun at the zoo including Ellia...

Some of the pictures that we took during the JW photo shoot...let's see how ours compare to hers...hahahaha!

Bianca has always loved to place this stick in the hole in the backyard. Not sure why but, she thinks it is a great game!

Playing with friends and letting the "big girls" show her how it is done!

Pushing Cody Preston at the park...

We traveled up to Orange County during our trip so we could visit with the Molinos and meet precious little London... Bianca and Kennedy had a great time playing together! It is so touching to watch your children and your close friends' children playing together!

Mark and I snuck out one night for some sushi at Nobu!

Bianca running along what she calls "the beautiful path" in Zarin joon's garden!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Another Birthday Bash

We went to celebrate Kyle's 3rd birthday on Saturday at an indoor sports park. Fun was had by all and Bianca was no exception. She played soccer with the best of them (I think she was one of the youngest kids there), learned to hula-hoop (a first!), showed off her animal tattoos, ate Aunt Traci's delicious cookie cake and then ran around on a sugar high! Here are some pictures of our afternoon!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Easter Week

Better late than never with the Easter pictures, right? We took the girls to see the Easter Bunny together this year...Bianca would NOT sit on the Easter Bunny's lap (can't say that I blame her...he was a little scary looking!). She is actually standing next to me but, they were able to cut me out. Also, she was a little distracted by a pink squeaky cupcake that they gave her to hold. Ellia did sit on the Bunny's lap but, she was not all that happy about it either and she insisted on sucking her thumb during the photo. The picture didn't actually come out half bad when I think about what we went through in real life to get the shot.

The rest of our Easter festivities went much smoother. Francesca came over to dye Easter eggs with Bianca while Ellia flirted with Dante.

On Saturday we went to an Easter picnic at the Marnell's home complete with an Easter egg hunt. There Bianca was free to roam and run around in their playground, treehouse, trampoline...pretty much you name it, they have it at their home.

Our relatively unsuccessful attempt at getting a picture of me and the two girls...

We brought a blue (of course!) cupcake home from the picnic. Thank goodness I stripped Bianca down before she started eating it. I just had a feeling...

Easter morning Bianca found her Easter basket. I think she was a bit in shock at all of the candy as well "another horsie nighgown" that she received from the Easter Bunny! Ellia proved that she is also going to take after her Momma in the sweet tooth category. She looked at her Easter basket and made a bee -line for the orange Peep chickie which she promptly stuck in her mouth. We had a good laugh before quickly removing it!