Thursday, January 27, 2011

Everyday Life

We are currently in a routine of perfecting the art of "not much at all". Bianca is going to school three half days a week and Ellia has started a Mommy and Me class of her own. When they are not busy at class, we can usually be found at Target, Costco, Publix or on a play date at the park with friends. I know, I know, we are rock stars...don't be jealous! But in all serious, if I could keep them at the stages that they are at...if I could keep them age 1 and 3 forever, I would in a heartbeat! Is that crazy???

Just a few pictures as of late...

Bianca sometimes goes to greet Ellia in the morning once we hear her talking in her crib. This is how I found them the other day...

Sorry all of my pictures are blurry this time around...but, you can clearly see the fun that they have together!

Bianca wanted to have a picnic with the pretend food toys. I guess she got sleepy and decided to rest while Ellia thought it would be best to chew on the #6...

And as I mentioned, the grocery store is a big hit these days...between the free balloons, riding in the airplane shopping cart that Mommy can barely push around the store, the free samples at the deli and checking out the lobsters in the tank (poor things!), my girls are happy!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Just Like Big Sis

Ellia is almost 14 months old now and she is quite a handful to watch if I am home by myself. Mostly because she wants to do everything her big sister does. For instance, she loves to climb up on Bianca's stools that she has in the bathroom and in her bedroom. Once she climbs up on the bathroom stool, she wants to wash her hands with soap. If she was a little older, this would be fantastic but, I am constantly afraid that she is going to fall off and "crack her head open" as our parents would say. She sees Bianca drinking out of cups without lids so she wants to do the same. Several times a day, she goes into the cabinet, pulls out a cup and holds it up to the refrigerator and yells for water until someone comes to help her out. When I try to hand her the sippy cup she just tosses it aside (to put it nicely). So I have to help her drink water out of a "big girl" cup. I have tried to let her do it herself a couple of times but, she pretty much drowns herself and that can't be a good. Ellia is also into coloring and painting now and sitting at Bianca's craft table. This is always interesting because I have to pretty much tape paper down on all sides of her so she is not coloring on anything else and watch her like a hawk because she has been known to try to eat a marker or two.
Bottom line...she is growing up WAY TOO FAST!!!

The girls like to sit together in my desk chair and have my spin them before bedtime...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Merry Christmas from the Tadrissi Family - 2010

We kicked off this holiday season with a Christmas party at Bianca's school. The best part - Daddy was able to join us! Bianca was so happy and kept pointing to her Daddy and saying "Daddy's here" all the while she was supposed to be singing her Christmas carols. Then after battling a nasty stomach virus that hit everyone in our home, we celebrated an early Christmas before packing up and heading out West. Once in San Diego it was fun, food, family, friends presents, candy canes, cookies, Persian food, sweets, get the point!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Everyone!!!