Sunday, December 18, 2011

Gymnastics Awards

Pictures taken on my iphone so not the best quality but, still so cute!

Early Christmas Festivities

*Trimming the tree
*Decorating gingerbread houses
*Going to see The Nutcracker with Lisa and Juliana
*Checking out the Bass Pro Shop's Christmas Village
*Bianca's school Christmas party

Ellia had just woke up from her nap here...she doesn't usually look this grumpy!

Gifts for the Ronald McDonald House

Magical Reindeer Food!

Hugs from Mrs. Pacini after giving her their class gift.

Bianca and Matthew - their feelings toward each other are obvious!

Bianca's Birthday Flop

Poor Bianca! This year she woke up early the morning of her 4th b-day party with the stomach flu. She must be really susceptible to the stomach flu at this time of the year because last year she came down with it on her actual birthday. Needless to say, her creepy, crawly bug and reptile party at the park was canceled. She was a trooper about it! Because she was feeling a little better later that day, she went to the park with Mimi and Poppy and flew her new gecko kite (no pictures though). This was a big hit! We topped it off with some of her snake cake that I had made later that evening and all was good.

I'm guessing this is her scary snake pose?

On her actual birthday she received her fishing rod and tackle kit that she requested! Love that she wants to fish!

At least she had her birthday celebration at school with her classmates. She doesn't want any candles on the cake or cupcakes and she also requests that "Happy Birthday" is not sung too loud.

Ellia trying to sneak in for circle time.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ellia Turns Two!

It is hard to believe that two years have gone by since my baby was born. Ellia has brought so much love, spunk and joy to all of our lives. None of us can imagine our lives without her!

Some fun facts about Ellia:

*She weighed 28 lbs. (65th percentile) and was 36 inches long (>90th percentile) at her two year check-up. Not sure where she is getting her height from but, if she continues at this rate she will be taller than me by the time she is 5!

*She speaks in 4 words sentences.

*She is extremely polite (for now!) and is always the first to say "thank you" or "bless you" when someone sneezes.

*She likes to dance and can be found busting a move whenever a good beat is playing.

*She seems to be more of a girly-girl. She loves to put on necklaces, bracelets, and princess costumes. She also insists on picking out her outfits daily and loves her dolls.

*Even though she loves girly things, there is no place she would rather be than playing with her big sister (even though most of the time that involves dinosaurs and snakes).

*Her favorite foods are currently walnuts and pistachios.

We were at Mimi's and Poppy's house for her b-day. Here she is playing with some new gifts. Don't mind the runny nose!

Lip gloss!

And, of course, baby needs some too!

We went to the zoo on Ellia's actual b-day.

My failed attempt at a group picture with Mimi, Gigi and the girls...

When you are a Tadrissi girl you do NOT leave the zoo without riding on the carousel.

More gifts...

Stinging Poppy with the sting ray toys from the zoo!

Make a wish, my sweet baby girl!

Thursday, December 1, 2011