Wednesday, January 16, 2008

There Is a First Time for Everything

Bianca with her cousin, great aunt and great uncle

Bianca and Grandmom Zarin

Bianca has had lots of "firsts" this past week. She slept in her crib for the first time last night. Mommy and Daddy were a little nervous and sad to let her go but, she seems to be happy and we are hoping that she will sleep better in her crib than in her bassinet in our room. Bianca also had her first outing out with Mommy besides our routine trips to the doctor's office. And where did we go? Target, of course! Bianca did great, she slept in her car seat the entire time and didn't make a peep. Mark also started giving Bianca a bottle again and, thank goodness, she took it without any problems.

Bianca is definitely becoming more vocal now; she loves to talk to the animals that hang in her activity gym. She also loves to watch the animals on the mobiles in her crib and swing. She is getting much better at going down for her naps during the day and still waking up about once a night to eat. She is such a joy to have and we feel so blessed to have such a good baby.

Mark's family also came back to Vegas for a short trip this week so Bianca got to meet more of her relatives.

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