Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Princess Bianca

Parissa and her "Auntie P"

All dressed up and nowhere to go!

Our little Wonder Woman!

Our little princess is now wearing size 3-6 months clothes. I can not believe how quickly she is growing. I truly never thought I would see the day that these clothes would fit! Mark's parents and sister were back to visit again over the weekend and we had fun dressing her up in some of her "new" clothes.
With Mark's family here, we were finally able to go out on our first date since Bianca was born. Of course, we missed her the entire time and even had to look at her pictures and videos on Mark's iPhone while we were at dinner. We had a great time though and it was good to get out for sushi - yum! We were also able to go and visit Mark and Inga's twin girls who are now about a month old and just as cute as can be!
Bianca is such a happy, content baby. She will be three months old tomorrow. She is now constantly chewing on her little hands and laughing at us when we make funny noises. She is definitely our greatest joy in the world!

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