What is Ellia doing now?
*Starting to resist baby fruits and veggies...she wants the good stuff (aka table food) already!
*Pulling herself up on anything she can find including coffee tables, refrigerators, me, etc.
*She has two teeth that have come through and more on their way
*Still very much a Momma's girl and does NOT like it when Mommy puts her down. She would be content for me to just hold her all day.
*She is still quite the little chunk, especially when I compare her to Bianca's 8 month pictures
*She loves to hang out in our pool in her baby float
*Ellia lights up when she sees her Daddy come home from school every day and she reaches out for him to pick her up...so sweet to watch!
*She seems to like music already and bounces to the beat of most songs I sing to her