Friday, July 16, 2010

Proud Momma and Wife

I need to take some time on this site to talk about Bianca for a little bit and just how proud of am of the little lady she is becoming. I know it is not polite to brag, and I usually try my best not to but, she is just really turning out to be such a special little girl.
She is now fully potty-trained and is wearing her big girl underwear at night and during naps with no problems whatsoever. I knew that she was ready for her big girl underwear for a while now but, I held off since we had so much going on at home with Ellia arriving and moving into two different homes (not to mention the pit stops we made on the way!). Really it was Mommy who needed the extra push to make the change, Bianca had been ready for while. She is also doing so many other things by herself now that it amazes me to watch her. Like, she is using her toothpaste with fluoride now after Daddy showed her how to spit her toothpaste out and rinse her mouth out with water afterwards. She wants to do EVERYTHING all by herself including pouring her own drinks, getting her own food out of the fridge, reading her books, wiping herself off after the potty, getting in and out of the car...really, I could go on all day.
However, what I am most proud of is the way that she has become such a beautiful big sister to Ellia. She wants to help me feed her and I let her (even though it takes about an hour to feed the baby that way). She loves to make her sister laugh...she even tries to imitate the things that I do to Ellia like when I grab her thighs and say, "chunk, chunk, chunk" in a silly voice. She gives her kisses and shares with her. She even let Ellia share one of her blankets with her and as most of you know, that is a BIG deal to Bianca.I just look at her in amazement sometimes and I can't believe how fast she is growing and maturing. She is going to start preschool this August and I am so excited for her but, at the same time I am afraid that Kindergarten, then high school and college are all going to come WAY too fast!
Here are some of the funny little sayings that come out of Bianca's mouth these days:

Me: "What did you dream about last night, Bianca?"
Bianca: "Dolphins and whales and sharks and dolpins."
Me: "What were they doing in your dream?"
Bianca: "Swimming!"

"Yah! I love ice cream! It is my most favorite special treat in the whole world!"

"Mommy, I-ee-yah (Ellia) cries a lot."

"Cah-weh-wah (Carrera), you a silly goose!"

And then there is Mark who started school earlier this month. We are all so proud of him for deciding to take the road less traveled and sacrificing so much to go back to school to get his endodontics certificate. His schooling has only been orientation thus far but, he is already enjoying his fellow residents and all of the staff and faculty at NSU. I have a feeling that these two years are just going to fly by!

Here he is leaving for his first day of school. I couldn't help myself but, break out the camera!

And because he hasn't had too much studying to do yet he has been able to relax with us a little after school...

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