Sunday, April 22, 2012

Easter 2012

*Egg Hunts
*Coloring Eggs with Mimi and Poppy
*Easter Morning
*Easter Party at Bianca's School

Anxiously awaiting their turn to hunt for eggs!
 Checking out their loot after the hunt!
 Not cooperating for additional pictures we tried to take b/c they are too busy eating candy :-)

 Bianca hard at work making sure her tattoos stay on the eggs.

 Giving me her best fake smile!

 After all of their hard work...ta-da!  Beautiful eggs!
 Easter morning...Bianca is more excited about her new grow-in-water dragonfly and her Cinderella Easter card from Mimi and Poppy than her Easter basket!  Ha!
Proof that the Easter Bunny was here!

 The little princess sneaking some Easter candy!

 Bianca making a "Pita" Rabbit at school for Easter snack.
 Easter lunch with her classmates.

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