Sunday, January 31, 2010

First Trip to Dunkin Donuts!

With me around you knew it was only a matter of time until we took Bianca to Dunkin Donuts - the happiest place on earth in my opinion!
*Note to the Grandparents* - Bianca fell and hit above her eye at home but, all is well, no need to worry!!!
I think she liked it...

Ellia wondering where the heck her donut was and why she was stuck with a pacifier instead...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ellia's 2 Month Update

Ellia went to the doctor yesterday for her two month check-up. She is doing very well and weighed in at 10 lb 12 oz and was 22 inches long. Her eczema is finally starting to clear up a bit so Mark and I are breathing a little easier. She truly is a sweet, sweet baby, she sleeps well, eats well and rarely cries. She is starting to talk to us a lot more lately and smiles a bunch. Bianca has turned a corner and is definitely enjoying her role as a big sister more than a month or so ago. She is constantly bringing over Ellia's toys or pacifiers when I am feeding Ellia and saying, "Here you go, Ellia". Or she will tell me she wants to go somewhere and then say something like, "Ellia come too". Awww...

Also, here are a few pictures I was able to get of Bianca and Francesca playing during a recent visit...

There are always lots of hugs with these two...

Wild Thing

Bianca singing her rendition of "Wild Thing" combined with a made-up song including lyrics about "My Little Pony"...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Smiles and Stamps

With Ellia's feeding schedule we are definitely home more than usual. But the girls are keeping busy...Ellia is busy smiling and cooing at us and Bianca is busy keeping Mommy and Daddy busy! Sometimes we take walks in the new double jogger and stop off at the park. Bianca loves taking Carrera into the tennis courts and chasing her. She also enjoys sweeping the courts with the brooms they provide there. Does this mean that she is going to enjoy helping Mommy clean when she is older? Bianca has also been busy playing with her stamps, coloring, painting, playing Play Doh and anything else I can think of to take her mind of watching Mickey Mouse all day long!

Strike a pose...

Smiling but, battling eczema just like her big sister :(

She enjoys stamping her arms and hands more than paper.

New favorite food - Persian cucumbers!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Few Quick Pics

Feeding a newborn every 3 hours in addition to caring for a two year old doesn't leave me with a lot of time on my hands for the blog but, I am trying for all you grandparents and aunties out there! Here are a few that I have managed to take recently...

Sisterly love (sometimes!)...

It's not that easy to get them both looking at the camera at the same time!

We went to the library for story time this week but, all Bianca wanted to do was puzzles and play with this bull statue...

Bianca believes in wearing sunglasses at night!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Welcome 2010!

We rang in the New Year at the Gregoryan's home this year. The older girls had a ball playing dress up, being silly in the shower and sleeping in the same bed. The little ones just hung out and did what all newborns do...played in the activity gym, sat in bouncy seats, ate and slept. We all enjoyed delicious food and playing Wii. I had big plans to make it to NYE and toast with some Wilson Creek almond champagne but, of course, fell asleep right before midnight. At least I have an excuse this year being up at night to feed Ellia. I wonder what my excuse will be next year?

Ellia and Dante

Pretending to be Cinderella is exhausting...

They didn't fall asleep until right before midnight. I am sad I didn't get a picture of them sleeping together but, I was sleeping.

They were crazy in the shower...and no, Bianca was not hurt after falling out of the shower door!