Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ellia's 2 Month Update

Ellia went to the doctor yesterday for her two month check-up. She is doing very well and weighed in at 10 lb 12 oz and was 22 inches long. Her eczema is finally starting to clear up a bit so Mark and I are breathing a little easier. She truly is a sweet, sweet baby, she sleeps well, eats well and rarely cries. She is starting to talk to us a lot more lately and smiles a bunch. Bianca has turned a corner and is definitely enjoying her role as a big sister more than a month or so ago. She is constantly bringing over Ellia's toys or pacifiers when I am feeding Ellia and saying, "Here you go, Ellia". Or she will tell me she wants to go somewhere and then say something like, "Ellia come too". Awww...

Also, here are a few pictures I was able to get of Bianca and Francesca playing during a recent visit...

There are always lots of hugs with these two...

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