Sunday, January 3, 2010

Welcome 2010!

We rang in the New Year at the Gregoryan's home this year. The older girls had a ball playing dress up, being silly in the shower and sleeping in the same bed. The little ones just hung out and did what all newborns do...played in the activity gym, sat in bouncy seats, ate and slept. We all enjoyed delicious food and playing Wii. I had big plans to make it to NYE and toast with some Wilson Creek almond champagne but, of course, fell asleep right before midnight. At least I have an excuse this year being up at night to feed Ellia. I wonder what my excuse will be next year?

Ellia and Dante

Pretending to be Cinderella is exhausting...

They didn't fall asleep until right before midnight. I am sad I didn't get a picture of them sleeping together but, I was sleeping.

They were crazy in the shower...and no, Bianca was not hurt after falling out of the shower door!

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